教授 |
森川 吉博 |
神経内分泌学、代謝学、神経発生学 | ![]() |
准教授 | 小森 忠祐 (Tadasuke Komori) |
神経内分泌学、代謝学 | ![]() |
助教 | 久岡 朋子 (Tomoko Hisaoka) |
神経発生学、行動生理学 | ![]() |
(1) 肥満や生活習慣病発症の分子メカニズムとその治療への応用
近年の食の欧米化を受け、我が国におけるメタボリック症候群の有病率は年々増加しており、その分子基盤の解明と治療法の開発が急務となっている。オンコスタチンM(OSM)は、インターロイキン6(IL-6)ファミリーに属するサイトカインであり、当教室ではメタボリック症候群とOSMの関連性について研究している。OSMの受容体サブユニットであるOSMRβの遺伝子欠損マウスを解析し、OSMが肥満や糖尿病の発症に対して抑制性に作用していることや、OSMがメタボリック症候群のモデルマウスである高脂肪食給餌マウスやob/ob マウスの肥満や糖尿病を改善することを明らかにした(図1)。また、運動による糖代謝改善効果にはOSMによる免疫細胞の誘導が重要であることを突き止めた(図2)。これらの成果を発展させ、現在、運動の非アルコール性脂肪肝炎とそれを基盤とした肝癌に対する治療効果におけるOSMの役割について解析するとともに、OSMのシグナリングをターゲットとした創薬を目指した研究を行っている。
(2) 摂食調節の分子メカニズム
末梢組織で産生されるレプチンやグレリンは摂食中枢である脳の視床下部に働いて摂食調節や糖代謝調節に重要な役割を果たしているが、その機序は完全に解明されたとは言い難い。当教室では、視床下部においてレプチンにより誘導される新規遺伝子をサブトラクティブPCR法により単離し、NREBP(negative regulatory element-binding protein)という転写抑制因子がグレリンの受容体の発現を抑制していることを明らかにした(J Biol Chem 285: 37884-37894, 2010)。また、絶食により視床下部で誘導される遺伝子をマイクロアレイにより同定し、グレリンによるAMPKの活性化には転写因子AFF4が重要であることを明らかにした(J Biol Chem 287: 19985-19996, 2012)。現在、レプチン、及び絶食により誘導される新たな遺伝子の機能について解析中である。
(3) 神経精神疾患の病態基盤の解明
神経系に胎児期より発現するTROY, kirrel3, LRRN4などについて、遺伝子改変動物などを用いて機能解析を行っている。kirrel3遺伝子は、中枢神経系や感覚器系に広く発現しており(Neuroscience 133: 615-624, 2005; Neuroscience 150: 880-886, 2007)、kirrel3遺伝子の異常が、自閉症や精神遅滞などの精神発達障害に関与している可能性が報告されているものの、その機序は不明である。当教室では、kirrel3の遺伝子欠損動物を用いて、kirrel3遺伝子異常とこれらの精神発達障害との関連、及びその病態解析を行っている。(図3)また、LRRN4は、中枢神経系において記憶の保持に必須の分子であるが(Mol Cell Biol 25: 4166-4175, 2005)、末梢神経系においても脊髄神経節の特定の神経細胞のシナプス形成時期に高発現を認めた(Neurosci Lett 531: 24-29, 2012; Neurosci Lett 548: 73-78, 2013)。現在、末梢神経系や感覚器系の発達?形成におけるLRRN4の機能についても検討を加えている。
(4) 尿路結石発症のメカニズムの解明と治療への応用
(5) 痛み?痒みのメカニズムの解明と治療への応用
炎症性疼痛?神経障害性疼痛の発症や維持の分子メカニズムについて、マクロファージ?ミクログリアの役割とサイトカイン?ケモカインの作用に焦点をあてて研究を行っている(Neuroreport 22: 911-917, 2011)。また、マウスの後根神経節ニューロンにおいて、IL-31受容体A(IL-31RA)とOSMRβが同一細胞内に共存していることを明らかにしており(Neuroscience 142: 1263-1271, 2006)(図2)、アトピー性皮膚炎など病的な痒みにおけるOSMやIL-31の関与についても検討を行い、OSMは皮膚における炎症細胞浸潤に関与すること、およびOSMRβに対するモノクローナル抗体がアトピー性皮膚炎の治療に有効であることを明らかにした(図5)。
教室員は、「Science is fun!」を合い言葉に、それぞれの研究テーマを追求しています。目指すは、和歌山医大からインパクトのある論文を世界に向けて発信すること! 現在、MD-PhDコース?大学院生募集中ですので、基礎医学に興味のある方はもちろん、大学生活の中にやりがいや喜びを見つけたい方も一度教室を覗いてみてください。大歓迎です。また、基礎?臨床を問わず、研究に関することでお困りのことがあれば、いつでもお気軽にご相談ください。大学の発展の基盤は研究の活性化にあります。医学研究のプロフェッショナルとして、是非一緒に和歌山医大を世界にアピールして行きましょう!
- Kitamura T, Morikawa Y: Isolation of T cell antigens by retrovirus-mediated expression cloning. In: “Methods in Molecular Biology Volume 134 (T Cell Protocols)” (Ed.) Kearse KP, pp 143-152, Humana Press, New York, 2000
- Komori T, Hisaoka T, Kotaki A, Iwamoto M, Miyajima A, Esashi E, Morikawa Y. Blockade of OSMRβ signaling ameliorates skin lesions in a mouse model of human atopic dermatitis. FASEB J. 38(1): e23359, 2024
- Komori T, Morikawa Y. Essential roles of the cytokine oncostatin M in crosstalk between muscle fibers and immune cells in skeletal muscle after aerobic exercise. Journal of Biological Chemistry 298(12): 102686, 2022
- Hisaoka T, Komori T, Fujimoto K, Kitamura T, Morikawa Y. Comprehensive expression pattern of kin of irregular chiasm-like 3 in the adult mouse brain. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 563: 66-72, 2021
- Yamashita S, Komori T, Kohjimoto Y, Miyajima A, Hara I, Morikawa Y. Essential roles of oncostatin M receptor β signaling in renal crystal formation in mice. Scientific Reports 10(1): 17150, 2020
- Hisaoka T, Komori T, Kitamura T, Morikawa Y. Abnormal behaviours relevant to neurodevelopmental disorders in Kirrel3-knockout mice. Scientific Reports 8(1): 1408, 2018
- Komori T, Tanaka M, Furuta H, Akamizu T, Miyajima A, Morikawa Y: Oncostatin M is a potential agent for the treatment of obesity and related metabolic disorders: a study in mice. Diabetologia 58: 1868-1876, 2015
- Komori T, Tanaka M, Senba E, Miyajima A, Morikawa Y: Deficiency of oncostatin M receptor b (OSMRb) exacerbates high-fat diet-induced obesity and related metabolic disorders in mice. Journal of Biological Chemistry 289: 13821-13837, 2014
- Komori T, Tanaka M, Senba E, Miyajima A, Morikawa Y: Lack of oncostatin M receptor b leads to adipose tissue inflammation and insulin resistance by switching macrophage phenotype. Journal of Biological Chemistry 288: 21861-21875, 2013
- Bando T, Morikawa Y, Hisaoka T, Komori T, Miyajima A, Senba E: Dynamic expression pattern of leucine-rich repeat neuronal protein 4 in the mouse dorsal root ganglia during development. Neuroscience Letters 548: 73-78, 2013
- Bando T, Morikawa Y, Hisaoka T, Komori T, Miyajima A, Senba E: Expression pattern of leucine-rich repeat neuronal protein 4 in adult mouse dorsal root ganglia. Neuroscience Letters 531: 24-29, 2012
- Komori T, Doi A, Nosaka T, Furuta H, Akamizu T, Kitamura T, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Regulation of AMP-activated protein kinase signaling by AFF4 protein, member of AF4 (ALL1-fused gene from chromosome 4) family of transcription factors, in hypothalamic neurons. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287: 19985-19996, 2012
- Komori T, Morikawa Y, Inada T, Hisaoka T, Senba E: Site-specific subtypes of macrophages recruited after peripheral nerve injury. Neuroreport 22: 911-917, 2011
- Beatus P, Jhaveri DJ, Walker TL, Lucas PG, Rietze RL, Cooper HM, Morikawa Y, Bartlett PF: Oncostatin M regulates neural precursor activity in the adult brain. Developmental Neurobiology 71: 619-633, 2011
- Komori T, Doi A, Furuta H, Wakao H, Nakao N, Nakazato M, Nanjo K, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Regulation of ghrelin signaling by a leptin-induced gene, negative regulatory element-binding protein, in the hypothalamic neurons. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285: 37884-37894, 2010
- Nakajima H, Ito M, Smookler DS, Shibata F, Fukuchi Y, Morikawa Y, Ikeda Y, Arai F, Suda T, Khokha R, Kitamura T: TIMP-3 recruits quiescent hematopoietic stem cells into active cell cycle and expands multipotent progenitor pool. Blood 116: 4474-4482, 2010
- Yamanishi Y, Kitaura J, Izawa K, Kaitani A, Komeno Y, Nakamura M, Yamazaki S, Enomoto Y, Oki T, Akiba H, Abe T, Komori T, Morikawa Y, Kiyonari H, Takai T, Okumura K, Kitamura T: TIM1 is an endogenous ligand for LMIR5/CD300b: LMIR5 deficiency ameliorates mouse kidney ischemia/reperfusion injury. Journal of Experimental Medicine 207: 1501-1511, 2010
- Hisaoka T, Nakamura Y, Senba E, Morikawa Y: The forkhead transcription factors, Foxp1 and Foxp2, identify different subpopulations of projection neurons in the mouse cerebral cortex. Neuroscience 166: 551-563, 2010
- Kimura A, Ishida Y, Wada T, Hisaoka T, Morikawa Y, Sugaya T, Mukaida N, Kondo T: The absence of interleukin-6 enhanced arsenite-induced renal injury by promoting autophagy of tubular epithelial cells with aberrant extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation. American Journal of Pathology 176: 40-50, 2010
- Morikawa Y, Komori T, Hisaoka T, Senba E: Detailed expression pattern of Foxp1 and its possible roles in neurons of the spinal cord during embryogenesis. Developmental Neuroscience 31: 511-522, 2009
- Nakajima H, Ito M, Morikawa Y, Komori T, Fukuchi Y, Shibata F, Okamoto S, Kitamura T: Wnt modulators, SFRP-1, and SFRP-2 are expressed in osteoblasts and differentially regulate hematopoietic stem cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 390: 65-70, 2009
- Morikawa Y, Hisaoka T, Senba E: Characterization of Foxp2-expressing cells in the developing spinal cord. Neuroscience 162: 1150-1162, 2009
- Esashi E, Ito H, Minehata K, Saito S, Morikawa Y, Miyajima A: Oncostatin M de?ciency leads to thymic hypoplasia, accumulation of apoptotic thymocytes and glomerulonephritis. European Journal of Immunology 39: 1664-1670, 2009
- Shibata F, Goto-Koshino Y, Morikawa Y, Komori T, Ito M, Fukuchi Y, Houchins JP, Tsang M, Li DY, Kitamura T, Nakajima H: Roundabout 4 is expressed on hematopoietic stem cells and potentially involved in the niche-mediated regulation of the side population phenotype. Stem Cells 27: 183-190, 2009
- Komori T, Gyobu H, Ueno H, Kitamura T, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Expression of kin of irregular chiasm-like 3/mKirre in proprioceptive neurons of the dorsal root ganglia and its interaction with nephrin in muscle spindles. Journal of Comparative Neurology 511: 92-108, 2008
- Morikawa Y, Komori T, Hisaoka T, Ueno H, Kitamura T, Senba E: Expression of mKirre in the developing sensory pathways: its close apposition to nephrin-expressing cells. Neuroscience 150: 880-886, 2007
- Bando T, Morikawa Y, Komori T, Senba E: Complete overlap of interleukin-31 receptor A and oncostatin M receptor b in the adult dorsal root ganglia with distinct developmental expression patterns. Neuroscience 142: 1263-1271, 2006
- Hisaoka T, Morikawa Y, Senba E: Characterization of TROY/TNFRSF19/TAJ-expressing cells in the adult mouse forebrain. Brain Research 1110: 81-94, 2006
- Hisaoka T, Morikawa Y, Komori T, Sugiyama T, Kitamura T, Senba E: Characterization of TROY-expressing cells in the developing and postnatal CNS: the possible role in neuronal and glial cell development. European Journal of Neuroscience 23: 3149-3160, 2006
- Komori T, Morikawa Y, Nanjo K, Senba E: Induction of brain-derived neurotrophic factor by leptin in the ventromedial hypothalamus. Neuroscience 139: 1107-1115, 2006
- Tahara-Hanaoka S, Shibuya K, Kai H, Miyamoto A, Morikawa Y, Ohkochi N, Honda S, Shibuya A: Tumor rejection by the poliovirus receptor family ligands of the DNAM-1 (CD226) receptor. Blood 107: 1491-1496, 2006
- Urano A, Endoh M, Wada T, Morikawa Y, Itoh M, Kataoka Y, Taki T, Akazawa H, Nakajima H, Komuro I, Yoshida N, Hayashi Y, Handa H, Kitamura T, Nosaka T: Infertility with defective spermiogenesis in mice lacking AF5q31, the target of chromosomal translocation in human infant leukemia. Molecular and Cellular Biology 25: 6834-6845, 2005
- Murakami S, Imbe H, Morikawa Y, Kubo C, Senba E: Chronic stress, as well as acute stress, reduces BDNF mRNA expression in the rat hippocampus but less robustly. Neuroscience Research 53: 129-139, 2005
- Komori T, Morikawa Y, Tamura S, Doi A, Nanjo K, Senba E: Subcellular localization of glucose transporter 4 in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus of ob/ob mice under basal conditions. Brain Research 1049: 34-42, 2005
- Tamura S, Morikawa Y, Hisaoka T, Ueno H, Kitamura T, Senba E: Expression of mKirre, a mammalian homolog of Drosophila kirre, in the developing and adult mouse brain. Neuroscience 133: 615-624, 2005
- Tamura S, Morikawa Y, Senba E: Up-regulated phosphorylation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 and cyclic AMP-responsive element binding protein by peripheral inflammation in primary afferent neurons possibly through oncostatin M receptor. Neuroscience 133: 797-806, 2005
- Bando T, Sekine K, Kobayashi S, Watabe AM, Rump A, Tanaka M, Suda Y, Kato S, Morikawa Y, Manabe T, Miyajima A: Neuronal leucine-rich repeat protein 4 functions in hippocampus-dependent long-lasting memory. Molecular and Cellular Biology 25: 4166-4175, 2005
- Tamura S, Morikawa Y, Senba E: TRPV2, a capsaicin receptor homologue, is expressed predominantly in the neurotrophin-3-dependent subpopulation of primary sensory neurons. Neuroscience 130: 223-228, 2005
- Ueyama E, Morikawa Y, Yasuda T, Senba E: Attenuation of fasting-induced phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (ERK/p38) in the mouse hypothalamus in response to refeeding. Neuroscience Letters 371: 40-44, 2004
- Ikeda Y, Imai Y, Kumagai H, Nosaka T, Morikawa Y, Hisaoka T, Manabe I, Maemura K, Nakaoka T, Imamura T, Miyazono K, Komuro I, Nagai R, Kitamura T: Vasorin, a transforming growth factor b-binding protein expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells, modulates the arterial response to injury in vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101: 10732-10737, 2004
- Morikawa Y, Tamura S, Minehata K, Donovan PJ, Miyajima A, Senba E: Essential function of oncostatin M in nociceptive neurons of dorsal root ganglia. Journal of Neuroscience 24: 1941-1947, 2004
- Tamura S, Morikawa Y, Iwanishi H, Hisaoka T, Senba E: Foxp1 gene expression in projection neurons of the mouse striatum. Neuroscience 124: 261-267, 2004
- Hisaoka T, Morikawa Y, Kitamura T, Senba E: Expression of a member of tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, TROY, in the developing olfactory system. Glia 45: 313-324, 2004
- Morikawa Y, Ueyama E, Senba E: Fasting-induced activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (ERK/p38) in the mouse hypothalamus. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 16: 105-112, 2004
- Rump A, Morikawa Y, Tanaka M, Minami S, Umesaki N, Takeuchi M, Miyajima A: Binding of ovarian cancer antigen CA125/MUC16 to mesothelin mediates cell adhesion. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279: 9190-9198, 2004
- Shimoyama Y, Morikawa Y, Ichihara M, Kodama Y, Fukuda N, Hayashi H, Morinaga T, Iwashita T, Murakumo Y, Takahashi M: Identification of human SEP1 as a glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor-inducible protein and its expression in the nervous system. Neuroscience 121: 899-906, 2003
- Tamura S, Morikawa Y, Senba E: Localization of oncostatin M receptor b in adult and developing CNS. Neuroscience 119: 991-997, 2003
- Tamura S, Morikawa Y, Miyajima A, Senba E: Expression of oncostatin M receptor b in a specific subset of nociceptive sensory neurons. European Journal of Neuroscience 17: 2287-2298, 2003
- Hisaoka T, Morikawa Y, Kitamura T, Senba E: Expression of a member of tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, TROY, in the developing mouse brain. Brain Research (Developmental Brain Research) 143: 105-109, 2003
- Tamura S, Morikawa Y, Iwanishi H, Hisaoka T, Senba E: Expression pattern of the winged-helix/forkhead transcription factor Foxp1 in the developing central nervous system. Gene Expression Patterns 3: 193-197, 2003
- Ueno H, Sakita-Ishikawa M, Morikawa Y, Nakano T, Kitamura T, Saito M: A stromal cell-derived membrane protein that supports hematopoietic stem cells. Nature Immunology 4: 457-463, 2003
- Nosaka T, Morita S, Kitamura H, Nakajima H, Shibata F, Morikawa Y, Kataoka Y, Ebihara Y, Kawashima T, Itoh T, Ozaki K, Senba E, Tsuji K, Makishima F, Yoshida N, Kitamura T: Mammalian twisted gastrulation is essential for skeleto-lymphogenesis. Molecular and Cellular Biology 23: 2969-2980, 2003
- Tamura S, Morikawa Y, Miyajima A, Senba E: Expression of oncostatin M in hematopoietic organs. Developmental Dynamics 225: 327-331, 2002
- Okamoto K, Imbe H, Morikawa Y, Itoh M, Sekimoto M, Nemoto K, Senba E: 5-HT2A receptor subtype in the peripheral branch of sensory fibers is involved in the potentiation of inflammatory pain in rats. Pain 99: 133-143, 2002
- Nanbu-Wakao R, Morikawa Y, Matsumura I, Masuho Y, Muramatsu MA, Senba E, Wakao H: Stimulation of 3T3-L1 adipogenesis by signal transducer and activator of transcription 5. Molecular Endocrinology 16: 1565-1576, 2002
- Tamura S, Morikawa Y, Tanaka M, Miyajima A, Senba E: Developmental expression pattern of oncostatin M receptor b in mice. Mechanisms of Development 115: 127-131, 2002
- Matsui T, Kinoshita T, Morikawa Y, Tohya K, Katsuki M, Ito Y, Kamiya A, Miyajima A: K-Ras mediates cytokine-induced formation of E-cadherin-based adherens junctions during liver development. EMBO Journal 21: 1021-1030, 2002
- Maeda H, Iranami H, Yamamoto M, Ogawa K, Morikawa Y, Senba E, Hatano Y: Halothane but not isoflurane attenuates interleukin 1b-induced nitric oxide synthase in vascular smooth muscle. Anesthesiology 95: 492-499, 2001
- Sugiyama T, Kumagai H, Morikawa Y, Wada Y, Sugiyama A, Yasuda K, Yokoi N, Tamura S, Kojima T, Nosaka T, Senba E, Kimura S, Kadowaki T, Kodama T, Kitamura T: A novel low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein mediating cellular uptake of apolipoprotein E-enriched b-VLDL in vitro. Biochemistry 39: 15817-15825, 2000
- Morikawa Y, Tohya K, Tamura S, Ichihara M, Miyajima A, Senba E: Expression of interleukin-6 receptor, leukemia inhibitory factor receptor and glycoprotein 130 in the murine cerebellum and neuropathological effect of leukemia inhibitory factor on cerebellar Purkinje cells. Neuroscience 100: 841-848, 2000
- Kami K, Morikawa Y, Sekimoto M, Senba E: Gene expression of receptors for IL-6, LIF, and CNTF in regenerating skeletal muscles. Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry 48: 1203-1213, 2000
- Kojima T, Morikawa Y, Copeland NG, Gilbert DJ, Jenkins NA, Senba E, Kitamura T: TROY, a newly identified member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, exhibits a homology with Edar and is expressed in embryonic skin and hair follicles. Journal of Biological Chemistry 275: 20742-20747, 2000
- Hosokawa Y, Ueyama E, Morikawa Y, Maeda Y, Seto M, Senba E: Molecular cloning of a cDNA encoding mouse A15, a member of the transmembrane 4 superfamily, and its preferential expression in brain neurons. Neuroscience Research 35: 281-290, 1999
- Kami K, Morikawa Y, Kawai Y, Senba E: Leukemia inhibitory factor, glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, and their receptor expressions following muscle crush injury. Muscle & Nerve 22: 1576-1586, 1999
- Kamiya A, Kinoshita T, Ito Y, Matsui T, Morikawa Y, Senba E, Nakashima K, Taga T, Yoshida K, Kishimoto T, Miyajima A: Fetal liver development requires a paracrine action of oncostatin M through the gp130 signal transducer. EMBO Journal 18: 2127-2136, 1999
- Kashiba H, Fukui H, Morikawa Y, Senba E: Gene expression of histamine H1 receptor in guinea pig primary sensory neurons: a relationship between H1 receptor mRNA-expressing neurons and peptidergic neurons. Brain Research (Molecular Brain Research) 66: 24-34, 1999
- Duan Y, Naruse T, Nakamura M, Yamaguchi Y, Kawashima T, Morikawa Y, Kitamura T, Suda T: Expression and functional analysis of a hemopoietic progenitor antigen, NJ-1 (114/A10), in the megakaryocytic lineage. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 253: 401-406, 1998
- Morikawa Y, Nishida H, Misawa K, Nosaka T, Miyajima A, Senba E, Kitamura T: Induction of synaptosomal-associated protein-23 kD (SNAP-23) by various cytokines. Blood 92: 129-135, 1998
- Komori T, Morikawa Y. Oncostatin M in the development of metabolic syndrome and its potential as a novel therapeutic target. Anatomical Science International 93: 169-176, 2018
- Senba E, Bando T, Komori T, Morikawa Y: Roles of IL-6 family cytokines in the development of nociceptive sensory neurons. The 3rd Asian Pain Symposium, Fukuoka, Japan, 2008
- Hisaoka T, Senba E, Kitamura T, Morikawa Y: Role of a novel member of TNFR superfamily, TROY, in the central nervous system. The 6th International Congress of NeuroImmunoModulation, Athens, Greek, 2005
- Morikawa Y: Novel roles of oncostatin M in development. JAA satellite meeting on lymphatics and lymphoid tissues, Kyoto, Japan, 2004
- Tamura S, Morikawa Y: Essential roles of oncostatin M in the development of primary nociceptive neurons. 16th International Congress of the IFAA, Kyoto, Japan, 2004
- Senba E, Ueyama E, Komori T, Morikawa Y: Fasting-induced MAP kinase activation in the hypothalamus of normal and ob/ob mice. The 5th International Workshop of UOEH “Stress, Feeding, Neuroendocrine and Occupation”, Kitakyushu, Japan, 2003
- Senba E, Murakami S, Imbe H, Morikawa Y: Effect of chronic stress on neuro-endocrine mechanisms: with special reference to the hippocampal BDNF and HPA axis. The 5th Scientific Congress of the FAOPS (Federation of Asian & Oceanian Physiological Societies) Symposium“Neuro-endocrine mechanisms in Stress”, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2002
- Komori T, Morikawa Y: The roles of Oncostatin M in the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in mice. A Keystone Symposium [Liver Metabolism and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)], Whistler, Canada, 2015
- Komori T, Morikawa Y: Oncostatin M protects against obesity and related metabolic disorders in mice. A Keystone Symposium [Challenges and opportunities in diabetes research and treatment], Vancouver, Canada, 2014
- Komori T, Morikawa Y: Fasting-induced expression of Klotho in the mouse hypothalamus. A Keystone Symposium [Metabolic Pathways of Longevity], Copper Mountain, USA, 2008
- Komori T, Yamashita S, Kohjimoto Y, Hara I, Morikawa Y. Functional roles of oncostatin M in the development of kidney stone disease in mice. A Keystone Symposium [Fibrosis and Tissue Repair: From Molecules and Mechanics to Therapeutic Approaches] Victoria, Canada, 2020
- Morikawa Y, Komori T. Functional roles of oncostatin M in the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in mice. Cytokine 2019. Vienna, Austria, 2019
- Komori T, Morikawa Y. Induction of oncostatin M expression by acute exercise in the skeletal muscles and sera of mice. Cytokine 2019. Vienna, Austria, 2019
- Hisaoka T, Komori T, Kitamura T, Morikawa Y. Expression and potential roles of TROY, a member of the TNF receptor superfamily, in astrocytes. 10th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience. Daegu, Korea, 2019
- Komori T, Morikawa Y. Functional roles of FGF23-αKlotho system in the regulation of food intake and body temperature in the hypothalamus. A Keystone Symposium [Functional neurocircuitry of feeding and feeding disorders] Banff, Canada, 2019
- Morikawa Y, Hisaoka T, Komori T, Kitamura T. Autistic-like behaviors in postnatal and adult Kirrel3-knockout mice. 48th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, USA, 2018
- Hisaoka T, Komori T, Kitamura T, Morikawa Y. Abnormal synapse formation of cerebellar pinceau in Kirrel3-knockout mice. 48th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, USA, 2018
- Shikaze Y, Komori T, Hisaoka T, Kitamura T, Morikawa Y. Characterization of Kirrel3-expressing cells in the mouse substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area. 48th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, USA, 2018
- Komori T, Hisaoka T, Kitamura T, Morikawa Y. Expression of Kirrel3 in the neurons of dorsal root ganglia and their terminals in the spinal cord. 48th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, USA, 2018
- Komori T, Morikawa Y. Functional roles of FGF23-αKlotho axis in the regulation of food intake during fasting. A Keystone Symposium [Organ Crosstalk in Obesity and NAFLD] Keystone, USA, 2018
- Hisaoka T, Komori T, Gyobu H, Kitamura T, Morikawa Y: Deficiency of kirrel3, a synaptic cell adhesion molecule, results in behaviors relevant to ASD with ADHD. A Keystone Symposium [Synapses and Circuits: Formation, Function and Dysfunction], Santa Fe, USA, 2017
- Komori T, Nosaka T, Kitamura T, Morikawa Y: Roles of AFF4, a fasting-induced transcription factor in the hypothalamus, in the regulation of glucose and energy metabolism in mice. A Keystone Symposium [Diabetes], Keystone, USA, 2017
- Hisaoka T, Komori T, Gyobu H, Kitamura T, Morikawa Y: Autistic-like behaviors with hyperactivity in mice lacking kirrel3. 46th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2016
- Komori T, Morikawa Y: Effects of FGF23/αKlotho on the NPY/AgRPergic system in the hypothalamus. 46th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2016
- Komori T, Tanaka M, Miyajima A, Morikawa Y: The roles of Oncostatin M in the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in mice. A Keystone Symposium [Liver Metabolism and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)], Whistler, Canada, 2015
- Hisaoka T, Kitamura T, Morikawa Y: Localization of kirrel3 in the synapses during postnatal and adult stages in the mouse cerebellum. 44th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC., USA, 2014
- Komori T, Morikawa Y: Klotho is a fasting-induced gene in the hypothalamus. 44th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC., USA, 2014
- Komori T, Tanaka M, Senba E, Miyajima A, Morikawa Y: Oncostatin M protects against obesity and related metabolic disorders in mice. A Keystone Symposium [Challenges and opportunities in diabetes research and treatment], Vancouver, Canada, 2014
- Komori T, Tanaka M, Senba E, Miyajima A, Morikawa Y: Critical roles of oncostatin M receptor signaling on the polarization of macrophage phenotypes, adipose tissue inflammation, and the development of insulin resistance. 15th International Congress of Immunology, Milan, Italy, 2013
- Komori T, Tanaka M, Senba E, Miyajima A, Morikawa Y: Regulatory mechanisms of adipose tissue inflammation and insulin resistance by oncostatin M. A Keystone Symposium [Diabetes-New insights into mechanism of disease and its treatment], Keystone, USA, 2013
- Komori T, Doi A, Nosaka T, Furuta H, Akamizu T, Kitamura T, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Regulation of AMP-activated protein kinase alpha 2 expression by a fasting/ghrelin-induced transcription factor, AF5q31, in the hypothalamic neurons. 48th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), Berlin, Germany, 2012
- Morikawa Y, Komori T, Tanaka M, Senba E, Miyajima A: The functional role of oncostatin M in the development of insulin resistance in mice. 48th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), Berlin, Germany, 2012
- Hisaoka T, Gyobu H, Komori T, Bando T, Kitamura T, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Developmental expression pattern of kirrel3 in the hippocampus. The 11th Biennial Meeting of the Asian-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry/55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry, Kobe, Japan, 2012
- Komori T, Tanaka M, Senba E, Miyajima A, Morikawa Y: Roles of oncostatin M in the development of obesity and insulin resistance. A Keystone Symposium [Genetic and Molecular Basis of Obesity and Body Weight Regulation], Santa Fe, USA, 2012
- Komori T, Furuta H, Doi A, Akamizu T, Nanjo K, Senba E, Morikawa Y: A leptin-induced transcript, negative regulatory element-binding protein, in the regulation of ghrelin signaling. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes, Beijing, China, 2011
- Komori T, Nosaka T, Kitamura T, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Functional roles of a member of AF4 family of transcription factor, AF5q31, in the regulation of AMPK-alpha expression. A Keystone Symposium [Obesity], Keystone, USA, 2011
- Hisaoka T, Komori T, Kitamura T, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Identification of Kirrel3-expressing cells in the central nervous system of adult mice. 40th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2010
- Komori T, Nosaka T, Kitamura T, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Regulation of food intake by AF5q31, a member of AF4 family of transcription factor, in the hypothalamus. 40th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2010
- Komori T, Nosaka T, Kitamura T, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Ghrelin-induced expression of a transcription factor, AF5q31, in the hypothalamus; possible roles in the expression of AMP-activated protein kinase-alpha. A Keystone Symposium [Neuronal control of appetite, metabolism and weight], Keystone, USA, 2010
- Komori T, Matsuno S, Doi A, Furuta H, Nishi M, Nanjo K, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Leptin-induced negative regulatory element-binding protein; a negative regulator of growth hormone secretagogue-receptor expression and AMP-activated protein kinase signaling. A Keystone Symposium [Neuronal control of appetite, metabolism and weight], Keystone, USA, 2010
- Komori T, Nosaka T, Kitamura T, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Induction of AF5q31, a member of AF4 family of transcription factor, by fasting and ghrelin in the hypothalamus. 39th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, USA, 2009
- Morikawa Y, Hisaoka T, Komori T, Senba E: Expression of Foxp2 in the distinct subpopulation of V1 interneurons from Foxp1 in the developing spinal cord. 39th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, USA, 2009
- Hisaoka T, Morikawa Y, Nakamura Y, Senba E: Expression of Foxp1 and Foxp2 in the projection neurons of adult mouse cortex. 39th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, USA, 2009
- Komori T, Nosaka T, Kitamura T, Senba E, Morikawa Y: A fasting-induced gene in the hypothalamus, AF5q31; putative roles in glucose metabolism. A Keystone Symposium [Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Resistance], Banff, Canada, 2009
- Komori T, Nosaka T, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Role of a putative transcription factor AF5q31 in hypothalamic-pituitary-mediated somatic growth and energy homeostasis. 38th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC., USA, 2008
- Morikawa Y, Komori T, Gyobu H, Hisaoka T, Ueno H, Kitamura T, Senba E: Interaction of mKirre with nephrin in the developing muscle spindles. 38th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC., USA, 2008
- Hisaoka T, Morikawa Y, Senba E: Expression of Foxp1 in the motor neurons of lateral motor column during development of the spinal cord. 38th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC., USA, 2008
- Komori T, Sonekatsu M, Nanjo K, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Fasting-induced expression of Klotho in the mouse hypothalamus. A Keystone Symposium [Metabolic Pathways of Longevity], Copper Mountain, USA, 2008
- Komori T, Doi A, Furuta H, Nishi M, Nanjo K, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Functional analysis of the novel leptin-induced transcript involved in the expression of growth hormone secretagogue-receptor. A Keystone Symposium [Neuronal Mechanisms Controlling Food Intake, Glucose Metabolism and Body Weight], Banff, Canada, 2008
- Sonekatsu M, Komori T, Morikawa Y, Senba E: Identification of fasting-induced genes in the hypothalamus by cDNA microarray analysis. 37th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2007
- Komori T, Doi A, Furuta H, Nishi M, Kimura A, Nanjo K, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Suppression of the growth hormone secretagogue-receptor expression by the leptin-induced transcript in the hypothalamus and pancreas. 37th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2007
- Hisaoka T, Morikawa Y, Horiuchi T, Senba E: Unique expression pattern of Foxp1 in the spinal cord during development. 37th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2007
- Morikawa Y, Komori T, Miyajima A, Senba E: TRPV1/P2X3-double positive nociceptive neurons of dorsal root ganglia in oncostatin M receptor b-deficient mice. 37th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2007
- Komori T, Doi A, Furuta H, Nanjo K, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Regulation of the growth hormone secretagogue-receptor expression by the leptin-induced transcript in the hypothalamus and pancreas. A Keystone Symposium, Keystone, USA, 2007
- Shibata F, Goto-Koshino Y, Ito M, Fukuchi Y, Morikawa Y, Matsushita H, Miyachi H, Kitamura T, Nakajima H: Robo4/magic roundabout is a novel surface marker for murine and human hematopoietic stem cells. 48th annual meeting of American Society of Hematology, Orlando, USA, 2006
- Komori T, Doi A, Furuta H, Nanjo K, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Regulatory effects in the expression of growth hormone secretagogue-receptor by the leptin-induced transcript (clone 1-42). 36th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, USA, 2006
- Hisaoka T, Morikawa Y, Komori T, Kitamura T, Senba E: Negative regulation of neuronal differentiation through TROY signaling. 36th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, USA, 2006
- Morikawa Y, Bando T, Komori T, Senba E: Coexpression of interleukin-31 receptor A and oncostatin M receptor b in the dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia of adult mice. 36th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, USA, 2006
- Hisaoka T, Morikawa Y, Bando T, Senba E: Expression of TROY/TNFRSF19 in the specific subsets of neural stem/precursor cells in the subventricular zone of adult mouse brain. A Keystone Symposium, Whistler, Canada, 2006
- Komori T, Doi A, Furuta H, Nanjo K, Senba E, Morikawa Y: Identification and functional role of the leptin-induced transcript (clone 1-42) in the hypothalamus. A Keystone Symposium, Santa Fe, USA, 2006
- Komori T, Morikawa Y, Nanjo K, Senba E: Leptin induces the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the hypothalamus. 35th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC., USA, 2005
- Hisaoka T, Morikawa Y, Komori T, Kitamura T, Senba E: TROY is expressed in precursor cells of the embryonic and postnatal forebrain and inhibits neuronal differentiation. 35th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC., USA, 2005
- Morikawa Y, Senba E: Peripheral inflammation induces phosphorylation of STAT3 and CREB in primary afferent neurons: Possible roles of oncostatin M. 35th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC., USA, 2005
- Hisaoka T, Morikawa Y, Tamura S, Komori T, Jishage K, Kojima T, Kitamura T, Senba E: TROY is essential for blood-brain barrier formation. A Keystone Symposium, Coeur d'Alene, USA, 2005
- Komori T, Morikawa Y, Nanjo K, Senba E: Effects of leptin on brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in the hypothalamus. A Keystone Symposium, Keystone, USA, 2005
- Komori T, Morikawa Y, Tamura S, Doi A, Kimura A, Nanjo K, Senba E: Insulin signaling and the translocation of glucose transporter 4 in the hypothalamus of ob/ob mice. 34th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2004
- Morikawa Y, Tamura S, Kitamura T, Senba E: Developmental expression of mKirre gene in the mouse dorsal root ganglia. 34th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2004
- Nishida H, Morikawa Y, Tamura S, Donishi T, Kitamura T, Senba E: Localization of mKirre gene in the embryonic mouse brain. 34th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2004
- Tamura S, Morikawa Y, Senba E: Temperature-activated transient receptor potential channels are differentially expressed in the developing sensory ganglia of mice. 34th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2004
- Hisaoka T, Morikawa Y, Kitamura T, Senba E: TROY/TNFRSF19 is expressed in the SVZ precursor cells and astrocytes in the postnatal and adult CNS. 34th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2004
- Komori T, Morikawa Y, Tamura S, Minami A, Nanjo K, Senba E: Insulin signaling in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus of hyperinsulinemic ob/ob mice. 16th International Congress of the IFAA, Kyoto, Japan, 2004
- Morikawa Y, Tamura S, Donovan PJ, Miyajima A: Nociception in oncostatin M-deficient mice. 16th International Congress of the IFAA, Kyoto, Japan, 2004
- Hisaoka T, Morikawa Y, Kitamura T, Senba E: Expression of TROY/TNFRSF19, in the developing and adult olfactory system. 16th International Congress of the IFAA, Kyoto, Japan, 2004
- Tamura S, Morikawa Y, Senba E: Expression of Foxp1 transcription factor in a subset of striatal neurons in mice. 16th International Congress of the IFAA, Kyoto, Japan, 2004
- Komori T, Morikawa Y, Tamura S, Nanjo K, Senba E: Translocation of GLUT4 in the hypothalamus of ob/ob mice. A Keystone Symposium, Banff, Canada, 2004
- Komori T, Morikawa Y, Tamura S, Imbe H, Nanjo K, Senba E: Insulin-mediated glucose transport system in the hypothalamus of ob/ob mice. 33rd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, 2003
- Tamura S, Morikawa Y, Miyajima A, Senba E: Localization of oncostatin M receptor b in primary sensory neurons: relationship to nociceptors. 33rd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, 2003
- Morikawa Y, Tamura S, Donovan PJ, Miyajima A, Senba E: Nociceptive neurons of dorsal root ganglia in oncostatin M-deficient mice. 33rd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, 2003
- Hisaoka T, Morikawa Y, Kimura A, Kitamura T, Senba E: Expression of TROY in the developing mouse olfactory system. 33rd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, 2003
- Bando T, Rump A, Morikawa Y, Hirata T, Sekine K, Miyajima A: Molecular cloning and targeted disruption of NLRR4, a new member of neuronal leucine rich-repeat proteins. A Keystone Symposium, Keystone, USA, 2003
- Komori T, Morikawa Y, Tamura S, Nanjo K, Senba E: Insulin-mediated glucose transport system in the hypothalamus of ob/ob mice. A Keystone Symposium, Keystone, USA, 2003
- Iwanishi H, Morikawa Y, Senba E: Expression of Foxp1 in the developing central nervous system. 32nd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Orlando, USA, 2002
- Morikawa Y, Hisaoka T, Imbe H, Kitamura T, Senba E: Expression of a newly identified TNF receptor superfamily, TROY, in the developing mouse brain. 32nd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Orlando, USA, 2002
- Imbe H, Abe T, Morikawa Y, Senba E: The expression and plastic changes of galectin-1, -3 in the primary afferent system of rats. 10th World Congress on Pain, San Diego, USA, 2002
- Iwanishi H, Morikawa Y, Senba E: Expression of the novel forkhead transcription factor gene that contains a glutamin-rich domain in the developing central nervous system. A Keystone Symposium, Keystone, USA, 2002
- Hisaoka T, Morikawa Y, Kitamura T, Senba E: Expression of a newly identified TNF receptor superfamily, TROY in the developing mouse brain. A Keystone Symposium, Keystone, USA, 2002
- Imbe H, Okamoto K, Morikawa Y, Senba E: The expression and role of galectin-1 in the primary afferent system of rats. 31st Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2001
- Iwamoto T, Morikawa Y, Senba E: Insulin signaling pathways in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus of the obese leptin-deficient mice. 31st Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, 2001
- Tamura S, Morikawa Y, Tanaka M, Miyajima A, Senba E: Developmental expression of mouse oncostatin M receptor β. A Keystone Symposium, Steamboat Springs, USA, 2001
- Imbe H, Inomata Y, Morikawa Y, Senba E: Activation of ERK in the spinal trigeminal and paratrigeminal nuclei following the noxious stimulation to the rat temporomandibular joint. 30th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, 2000
- Morikawa Y, Kojima T, Tamura S, Hisaoka T, Kitamura T, Senba E: Expression of newly identified member of the TNF receptor superfamily, TROY, in the murine brain. 30th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, 2000
- Komori T, Morikawa Y, Ueyama E, Asahizawa S, Iwamoto T, Hisaoka T, Wakao H, Senba E: Leptin receptor signaling and novel genes induced by leptin in the mouse brain. NAASO: Obesity in The New Millennium, Long Beach, USA, 2000
- Morikawa Y, Komori T, Ueyama E, Asahizawa S, Wakao H, Senba E: Isolation of novel genes induced by leptin in the mouse brain. A Keystone Symposium, Taos, USA, 2000
- Morikawa Y, Komori T, Ueyama E, Ohno M, Wakao H, Senba E: Isolation of novel genes induced by leptin in the brain of ob/ob mice. 29th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Miami, USA, 1999
- Tamura S, Morikawa Y, Tohya K, Kimura A, Senba E: Localization of gp130 and related signal transduction molecules in the mouse brain. 28th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Los Angels, USA, 1998
- Senba E, Kashiba H, Fukui H, Morikawa Y: Histamine H1 receptor expressing small dorsal root ganglion neurons in guinea pigs are not immunoreactive to SP/CGRP. 28th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Los Angels, USA, 1998
- Morikawa Y, Nishida H, Miyajima A, Senba E, Kitamura T: Induction of SNAP-23 by various cytokines. A Keystone Symposium. Lake Tahoe, USA, 1998
- Maeda T, Ueyama T, Nishida H, Morikawa Y, Fukui H, Senba E: Distribution of H1-receptor mRNA in the rat brain. 27th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, 1997
- Ohno M, Morikawa Y, Tohya K, Miyajima A, Senba E: Expression of IL-3 receptor family in the mouse brain. 27th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, 1997
- 基盤研究(B)(代表)、2023年度~2026年度
「運動によるNASH肝発癌の新規抑制機構の解明-老化肝細胞の運命制御をめざして-」 - 基盤研究(B)(代表)、2022年度?2025年度
「『視床下部の老化』を基盤とした『個体の老化』機構と運動によるその改善機序の解明」 - 基盤研究(C)(代表)、2021年度~2023年度
「ADHD合併自閉症のドーパミン神経回路障害の病態解明に基づく新規治療法の開発」 - 挑戦的研究(萌芽)(代表)、2021年度~2022年度
「虐待の早期発見を目指した血中マーカー分子の確立-萎縮胸腺の新機能-」 - 挑戦的研究(萌芽)(代表)、2019年度~2020年度
「神経シナプス接着分子の異常を基盤とした育児放棄?虐待の分子機構の解明」 - 基盤研究(B)(代表)、2019年度?2021年度
「視床下部を介した新規老化抑制機構の解明-健康寿命の延伸を目指してー」 - 基盤研究(C)(代表)、2018年度~2020年度
「ADHDを伴う自閉症の小脳シナプス病態の解明とそれに基づく治療法についての検討」 - 挑戦的研究(萌芽)(代表)、2018年度~2019年度
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「運動-摂食-老化連関における視床下部のFGF23/αKlothoシステムの新機能」 - 基盤研究(B)(代表)、2017年度~2019年度
「NAFLD-NASH-肝癌悪性化シークエンスでのOSMの機能とその治療への応用」 - 基盤研究(C)(代表)、2015年度~2017年度
「ADHDを伴う治療抵抗性自閉症モデルマウスの確立とその分子病態の解明」 - 基盤研究(C)(代表)、2014年度~2016年度
「転写因子AFF4をターゲットとしたFGF21抵抗性の分子基盤の解明」 - 基盤研究(B)(代表)、2014年度~2016年度
「運動負荷誘導性マイオカインOSMによるNASH改善のメカニズムとその治療への応用」 - 挑戦的萌芽研究(代表)、2013年度~2014年度
「FGF23、及びαklothoを分子標的とした摂食―老化連関の解明」 - 若手研究(B)(代表)、2011年度~2012年度
「脊髄損傷におけるTROYの役割の解明と中枢神経再生治療への応用」 - 若手研究(B)(代表)、2011年度~2012年度
「レプチンにより誘導される新規遺伝子の肥満?レプチン抵抗性に対する役割の検討」 - 挑戦的萌芽研究(代表)、2011年度~2012年度
「神経性食思不振症における新規摂食関連転写因子AF5q31の役割の解明」 - 基盤研究(B)(代表)、2010年度~2012年度
「kirrelファミリーによる神経回路網形成の制御と高次脳機能」 - 若手研究(B)(代表)、2009年度~2010年度
「オーファン受容体TROYによるグリオーマ幹細胞の増殖?分化の制御と治療への 応用」 - 若手研究(B)(代表)、2008年度~2009年度
「視床下部における転写調節因子ALFの成長ホルモン分泌調節に対する役割の検討」 - 萌芽研究(代表)、2008年度~2009年度
「免疫グロブリンスーパーファミリー、mKirreの筋紡錘形成における新機能の解析」 - 若手研究(B)(代表)、2007年度~2008年度
「内耳の発生におけるTROYの役割」 - 基盤研究(B)(分担)、2006年度~2007年度
「アストロサイト系譜細胞の発生?分化?機能発現におけるTROYの役割」 - 特定領域研究(分担)、2006年度
「造血ニッチを構成する膜蛋白質mKirreの機能解析」 - 若手研究(B)(代表)、2005年度~2006年度
「フォークヘッド型転写因子Foxp1の神経系における役割の解析」 - 基盤研究(B)(分担)、2004年度~2005年度
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「TNFリセプタースーパーファミリーの新規メンバーTROYの神経系における役割」 - 基盤研究(C)(代表)、2003年度~2004年度
「神経系におけるオンコスタチンMの機能の解析」 - 特定領域研究(C)(分担)、2001年度~2004年度
「肥満2型糖尿病の成因?病態に関する遺伝要因の解明」 - 基盤研究(B)(分担)、2001年度~2003年度
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「レプチンにより脳内に誘導される新しい転写因子の単離とその解析」 - 基盤研究(B)(分担)、1997年度~1999年度
「神経障害とその修復過程におけるサイトカイン?神経保護因子の役割」 - 奨励研究(A)(代表)、1997年度~1998年度
- 武田科学振興財団医学系研究助成(代表)、2021年度
「NAFLD/NASHを基盤とした肝癌の発症機序の解明と治療への応用」 - 和歌山県立医科大学特定研究助成プロジェクト(分担)、2018年度
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「がん発症の分子機構の解明」 - GSKジャパン研究助成(代表)、2017年度
「掻痒と過剰炎症の同時制御によるアトピー性皮膚炎の新規治療抗体の作用機序の解明」 - 和歌山県立医科大学特定研究助成プロジェクト(代表)、2016年度
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「新規転写環境因子AFF4によるATP産生調節機構とその生体内作用の解明」 - 武田科学振興財団(医学系研究奨励)(代表)、2011年度
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「慢性炎症を基盤とする疾患の病態メカニズムの解明」 - 科学技術振興機構研究成果最適展開支援事業(A-STEP) フィージビリティスタディ(FS)?ステージ[シーズ顕在化](研究責任者)、2010年度
「オンコスタチンM受容体を分子標的としたアトピー性皮膚炎治療法の開発」 - 和歌山県立医科大学特定研究?教育助成プロジェクト(代表)、2009年度
「肥満?糖尿病、及びその合併症の分子メカニズムの解明と治療への応用」 - 和歌山県立医科大学特定研究?教育助成プロジェクト(分担)、2007年度
「アジア人糖尿病の特質解明とその対策」 - 和歌山県立医科大学若手研究支援助成(代表)、2007年度
「神経性無食欲症の病態解明と治療-転写因子ALF4からのアプローチー」 - 和歌山県立医科大学特定研究?教育助成プロジェクト(分担)、2006年度
「痛み?痒みの基礎と臨床---メカニズムの解明から治療戦略へ」 - 和歌山県立医科大学特別研究助成(分担)、2005年度
「再生医学?再生医療の新たな展開をめざしてーサイトカイン?成長因子の作用機序の解明-」 - 千代田健康開発事業団社会厚生事業助成金(代表)、2002度
「精神機能の老化を予防するライフスタイルの提案---動物実験モデルでの検証」 - 金原一郎記念医学医療振興財団基礎医学医療研究助成金(代表)、2000年度
「レプチンにより脳内に誘導される新規の転写因子の単離と機能の解析」 - 和歌山県立医科大学医学研究支援助成(代表)、1997年度
「シナプス小胞の開口分泌に関与するSNAP-25様の新しい分子のクローニングと 機能の解析」
- 特許名称:「オンコスタチンM受容体シグナリング制御による非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患の予防と治療」
出願日:2022年11月 - 特許名称:「オンコスタチンM受容体シグナリング制御による尿路結石の予防と治療」
出願日: 2020年6月18日 - 特許名称:「Anti oncostatin M receptor beta antibody」
出願人: Wakayama Medical University
特許登録日:2017年9月29日 - 特許名称:「オンコスタチンM受容体シグナリング制御によるメタボリック症候群の治療」